The Journey Begins

After a challenging start of our journey involving a flat tyre, a latish departure and a navigation system without a map of the UK, we’ve finally arrived in England. Well, it could have been far worse. The roads were clear and we arrived even earlier at the Eurotunnel than we were supposed to. My mom and I stayed in Hastings for a night and treated ourself with comforting Spaghetti Bolognese. The next day we strolled around in the Old Town of Hastings, enjoyed some hummous and halloumi with pita bread at Isabellas and explored the galleries, shops and bakeries. Our first stop: the bookshop. We couldn’t get out with less than seven books.

Some Chocolate Flapjacks managed to jump in our car before we headed to our cottage in Bexhill-on-sea. I don’t know how this could happen. But what else could we do than to pair them with a fresh brewed Darjeeling and guide them to their new warm and comfortable home, the Stomach Inn?

Chicken Korma, Chapati Bread and Basmati Rice paired with a Pinot Grigio accompanied the Flapjacks later. We lounged on the couch, watched TV and got stuck into our books and finally, we called it a night.

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